I should have hated this, but I liked it.
7 May 2015
What can I say about this movie, well it had really crude juvenile humour that I did not find funny and never do. For example: making "retard" Jokes. Courtney Cox (director) seems to be self aware however and even has characters say; "actually I find that offensive" That doesn't correct a bad joke, it's more saying my bad, we didn't have something better to say... The film did have a good message, but it could have been presented with less sharp edges.

This should have plummeted my rating of the film except for the fact I really liked the main characters. Scott is a likable guy and I have never disliked him in anything. I have also gone through my own depression in life so I identified with his character and the message of relishing what is good in life. Olivia Thirlby may also be the sweetest woman alive! I quite liked her character and they have good chemistry together..

But hey, this is no masterpiece, it's full of bad humour that just isn't funny... You can pretty much guess the outcome of every plot line. But its got likable characters and it didn't drag..

Overall: Enjoyable easy going film, with some faults.
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