Supernatural: Dark Dynasty (2015)
Season 10, Episode 21
One star is too good
7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a large pile of steaming ....

I am going to paraphrase another fan by saying that my anger comes from liking the characters in general and Charlie in particular and then seeing them treated so poorly. The entire episode was handled badly by the writers, creating caricatures of Sam, Dean, Cas and Charlie herself. Their demonstrated ability to handle situations much worse than this was ignored in lieu of creating an ending that just made no sense. They were idiots and I didn't watch 10 years of of this show to see this kind of out of character, insultingly dumb behavior.

This was the last Supernatural I will watch. You get nothing more from me. They couldn't even Jump the Shark... It was more like watching them trip on their own toenails and die.

Please Stop - Buckner & Ross-Leming
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