A complete mess
5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Are all men pigs? is the (embarrassing) question that this five-year-old movie asks us, but I can only say not even pigs should have to consume crap films like this one here. It's a 90 minute film centered around a female character played by Valerie Niehaus. She gets an electric shock and from that moment on, she is able to hear what men are thinking. A very poor man's version of "What Women Want". All the humor in this film is basically based on the never-ending story of problems between males and females. It is rarely funny and gets repetitive really quickly. The main character is an ambitious lawyer and as she finds a boyfriend, it happens that he is the lawyer of the other party in her next case. This is a truly sexist movie many times, full of prejudice and stupid generalizations. In order to make this not as against-man as it is, they also included a despicably female (the woman Niehaus' character defends), but it really does not save this film at all.

If you look at the director's (Sophie Allet-Coche) body of work, you will find the likes of Atze Schröder comedy. The writer is extremely inexperienced and basically a newbie to television movie writing. His family name consists also of two parts just like the director's any maybe that is the reason why they cast him. Occasionally this film is so bad that it is funny, but most of the time it is just plain bad. Niehaus made many comedies for German television which are almost never funny. Mommsen proves without a doubt that he has little to no talent and will never be a successful big-screen actor. Nova Meierhenrich and Mathieu Carrière may be familiar to German audiences as well. A bit sad to see an actually talented actor like Carrière in crap like this. The worst part of this movie is probably the script. we get quotes like "I would love to be shagged all night long by a potent lawyer as well." Really really cringeworthy and you see that the one responsible for this does not have much experience in the movie industry. Also, it is virtually impossible to see characters like these as likable as it is probably intended by the screenwriter. There was also one scene where the judge says something about playing golf, another horribly cringeworthy quote that should let the audience see how sexist men in high positions are and how unjust everybody is acting toward (the infinitely altruist) Niehaus' character. An embarrassing film from start to finish. Not recommended.
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