Truly an excellent piece of art, one of the best
29 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect 10 is not a phrase I throw around often. However this movie truly deserves it. Kevin James of course reprises his deeply loved character once again and I couldn't be happier and honestly he delivers a performance on par with Robert de Niro in the godfather part 2. His character is complex and on many levels a hero. When I was younger I could only dream of having a movie such as this guiding me through my childhood. From the moment I see those segway wheels to the ending scene where Blart embraces death as a part of life and comes to terms with the fact his family died in a tragic fire while he was on duty, I was laughing and crying. This also has one of the best plots of a Kevin James film. *SPOILER ALERT* Paul Blart has all his escapades in what he believes to be las vegas. Unfortunately thats only a reality he created. As aforementioned Blart comes to terms with death etc. To further that This movie is actually a construction of Blarts despair filled mind. He went to vegas originally to drink and gamble his problems away until he fell into the deep depression. The very final scene is possibly one of the most tear-jerking scenes I have ever seen in cinema. Blart awakes and he walks through the graveyard where his family is buried. He breaks down in a flurry of tears before shooting himself in the head, thus joining his family. Truly this is an excellent film, worthy of its ten star rating #Blartforever
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