Haunting Sarah (2005 TV Movie)
Disappointingly tame supernatural horror/drama
29 April 2015
After a devastating accident, a woman comes to believe her twin sisters' recently-deceased son has come back through her new child to continue his relationship with her daughter and must stop his possessive nature.

This was an incredibly limp and lifeless affair as there's hardly anything worthwhile here. The biggest plus here is that it does a rather nice job of making the possession seem realistic, from the drawings of the future to the secretive behavior in the twins' relationship as well as the marks on her body. All of this is nicely explained and given some real thought, especially in the later half when that behavior starts to get into rather freaky territory with their growing attachment and expensive gifts that seem to hide something more to it. It also features one rather cool sequence where the daughters' thrashing around in bed and they come rushing in to see what's wrong, and once seeing it's a charm bracelet as the cause remove it immediately only to find a supernatural cause flying in and wrecking the room. However, nothing is really interesting here due to the film's nature since it can't really go too extreme or terrifying, literally cutting this one off from the points that would've sold this one the most. The fact that the possession really amounts to mouthing off at the mother, hiding away from her to go be with the sister in secret and not sharing anything about their activities together and in general not showing off any kind of truly thrilling or terrifying actions here is what really stands out since this allows more for the network audience to connect to the characters and the situations yet plagues this as a horror effort. That leaves a lot of rather boring scenes that don't have any impact due to how toned down or brief all these supposed scares are which in the end leaves it really wanting despite a few solid moments here and there.

Rated Unrated/PG-13: Mild Violence, some Language and intense themes of child loss and trauma.
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