Jane Eyre (I) (1910)
Acted with a degree of perfection
28 April 2015
The clever work of the latest American independent manufacturer has been the subject of general comment. We referred last week to the filming of a popular novel by the Thanhouser Company and this week we were invited to view an advance copy of the film "Jane Eyre." The story is very clearly told and is acted with a degree of perfection that would do credit to many older concerns. All except one scene in particular, which is supposed to show a fall from a horse. This could have been suggested far better than it has been reproduced, which looks simply like a clumsy dismount. But apart from this trivial blemish the film is very good. There is an ailment known as caput augmenti, which sometimes attacks grown-ups as well as precocious youngsters, and if more praise is bestowed on Mr. Thanhouser he may succumb to flattery, and be satisfied with the progress that he has made. But, after all, there are many ear-marks of inexperience in even his best work, and only time and careful attention to details will round out the quality of his product. This, we know, it is his ambition to do. - The Moving Picture World, May 7, 1910
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