2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
Awful awful show
28 April 2015
One of the worst "sitcoms" I've ever seen in my life. I've never been compelled to write a review on a television show but with something this awful, I had to. The writers must have thought to themselves "hey, let's create as many annoying characters as we can and cram them all into one show."

Where to even start with the characters? Not one of them can act and have the most painfully awful delivery for every punchline. Everything seems forced, and the lines are recited in loud obnoxious voices that I guess is supposed to make the jokes more funny (it doesn't.)

The characters that are supposed to be immigrants all have terribly unconvincing accents.

Most of the dialogue in the script is just one rapid fire unfunny predictable punchline after another. 90% of the jokes are overly sexual in a way only middle school boys would find funny. And if they're not sexual, it's some joke based on racial stereotypes or a very obvious pop-culture reference.

Kat Dennings character "Max" only speaks in lame comebacks, delivered in her obnoxiously loud nasal voice. Her "I'm so edgy and too cool for school and had a terrible upbringing" act gets old really fast, especially when she mentions it every five seconds. Does this chick ever talk about anything but herself? Not only that but her and her co-star are downright rude and mean-spirited to every customer that comes in the diner. Someone can't order a water without Max or Caroline making some unnecessary rude comment and glaring at them until they leave. Is that supposed to make these characters likable?

And then there's Jennifer Coolidge who gets a cheer from the "audience" every time she enters a scene. And why? Because she's the only semi-famous actress they could convince to be on this awful show? I still have trouble understanding that one.

How this show has been on the air for FOUR YEARS is beyond me.
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