"There is no honour only politics" (BRILLIANT FILM)
27 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am tempted to call this the "original" martial arts film, the template from which all the others followed.

My reasoning? Everything about this wonderful film, the language, the scenery, the actors, the story, the fighting style, -- they bespeak a culture far older than anything in China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, or wherever your favourite fight flicks come from.

Something old. Something that speaks directly to your DNA. Something visceral.

Running at almost 2 full hours -- which would be a challenge even for JJ Abrams -- there were hardly any lulls.

The story was iconic, and mesmerizing.

And unpredictable, which is the hallmark of a really good story.

Near the end, just when you think you know what is coming, the "odd couple" revenge duo (see the other reviews for backstory) encounter what appears to be a beautiful maiden who ventured into the Deadlands innocently just to capture some birds, because they were scarce in her area.

Within a matter of moments -- no one is more surprised than the audience! -- the older man (the young boys Sifu, to continue the metaphor) is fighting this mere wisp of a girl. And the girl almost manages to outfight the man, the very same giant of a man who a few scenes earlier had chewed through a group of young warriors like Jackie Chan in a back alley.

Extraordinary and one of a kind.
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