Review of Kimberly

Kimberly (1999)
Not great, despite being based on a story by Maupassant, but fans of romantic drama might like it
27 April 2015
Four members of a Philadelphia rowing crew are hoping to improve as a team. One is an investment banker (Sean Astin), another is a professor, etc. Although none of them are married, they talk about the ladies a lot. Thus, when they get a new commander, Kimberly (Gabrielle Anwar), who comes ready to whip them into shape, all of the men's heads are turned. Therefore, they vow to each other that NONE of them will pursue the single Kimmie, despite her unwedded status. They are sworn to honor this pledge. However, each man begins a "thing" with Kimberly in the shadows. When she turns up pregnant, all of them are thrown for a loop. Who is the father? Will they ever know? How will they deal with this dagger into their friendship? This okay film has some really attractive players and sets. But, despite being based on a story by the great Maupassant, its only mildly diverting in plot and resolution. If you are a fan of romantic dramas, you will probably be interested in a view. All others may want to treat it like the plague.
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