M*A*S*H: Yessir, That's Our Baby (1979)
Season 8, Episode 15
A Tragic Issue That Continues to Today
19 April 2015
The gang in the swamp are awakened by the sound of a baby crying. It turns out that a a little girl infant has been abandoned by its mother, given to the doctors to raise. The problem is that it is a mixed race baby, the product of an American soldier and a Korean mother. It turns out that these children are often considered anathema, even being killed or sold into prostitution. The sad fact is that no matter who the camp members go to, their is no one to help them. Even the children in the orphanage will eventually turn on her. Hawkeye and Charles even go to the U.S. Embassy. They get caught up in the nets of bureaucracy and indifference. This episode is one of the more real ones in the MASH canon.
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