Toddlers & Tiaras (2009–2016)
Who Comes Up With These Ideas?
17 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This show is awful. Does it even sound promising? It's about little girls going through pageant shows wearing so much make up it makes them look like a coloring book. Plus how is any of this going to help them in real life? Some examples I heard were public speaking skills and self confidence. How is going on stage smiling giving them confidence? They're not doing anything. Public speaking skills? They never talk to the audience. I can't think of one time I enjoyed myself watching this on YouTube. Nobody was likable, the concept hurts, makes the world look bad and it's just sad for children. At the end of the day you don't get through life because you're beautiful you get it because you have skills. I know my child will never participate in one of these even if they wanted to. Don't watch this show and erase it from your brain.
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