Plain Truth (2004 TV Movie)
another listless movie of the week
17 April 2015
This turned a boring book about the Amish into an even more insipid movie of the week but then on Lifetime we have learned from experience to not expect much from their movies and in this case that is just what we get.

A dull and predictable walk through the byways of an Amish baby murder.

special guest Mariska Hargitay is no more inspiring here than on her insipid Lack of Law and Order show but she is still the high lite of an other wise boring film.

the plot is a mess and the story line totally unbelievable however that is nothing unusual for Television movie of the week fare.

like most LF TVM it will show up from time to time as a late night or early morning movie and is at least better than watching an infomercial or the shopping channel
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