Meteorites! (1998 TV Movie)
Space junk
17 April 2015
Yeah, this one's worse than even the SyFy Channel productions or the various Asylum movies. It's a homage of sorts to the big budget blockbuster flicks like DEEP IMPACT and Armageddon, except that it's made on a tiny budget which means the titular meteorites are horrid CGI monstrosities. Even worse, the narrative unwisely takes a jokey, comic approach to the material which falls flat from the very beginning.

I mean, there's nothing very funny about meteorites, so the film has to rely on groan-introducing character humour to work. This is a film where we're asked to identify with and like a cast of various oddballs, including dedicated heroes and annoying teenagers, and journey with them as they fight against the outer space menace. Except you won't, because the script is dire, the acting worse, and you'll be wishing death upon everyone in the cast before long. I think it's true to say that METEORITES! is probably the worst disaster movie you'll see.
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