Review of Barrio Tales

Barrio Tales (2012)
Aside from poor acting and a very weak plot, it's just plain racist.
9 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I would give negative stars if possible. Worse than most student films! I'm not trying to be funny or mean here. Like many "ethnic minority" horror anthologies, it's outright racist. Pitting (insert ethnic group) against Whitey. It's predictable, lazy, lacking in any creativity, and totally takes advantage of political correctness & white guilt.

Anyway, aside from being filled with racist venom, the first scene has the rich "white brat" dressed in red white and blue(complete with references to a "Reconquista"). But the acting is really just that bad! And the "plot" is beyond corny, and just unoriginal. I really can't put any other way. It's just that bad. Really, really bad. SPOILERS! For example, in Maria. A maid dies after the rich gringo's kids play a mean and(of coarse)racist prank. Then just cuts to her Grandma, a witch, opening her ojos and punishing those involved. Oooohh! Of coarse, the gringos lone Latino friend is the only "good one". Then there's Tios Tacos. Now take a wild guess at what that one was about. Hint: the tacos main ingredient. Spooookky! Then the last story is about a Mexican-American that helps illegal immigrants, which he refers to as "his People", cross into the U.S. And again, take a wild guess... yep Evil "White Trash" pose as construction contractors and pick them up, and, just think U-Turn. But the righteous gangster brother of this "guide" helps take revenge on those inbred huedos! Complete with rants on how "brown is the new RW&B!" Etc, etc, etc...I mean it's not even "so bad it's good" It's just plain bad! It's not only the rich kids who are evil oppressors, but even the poor "white trash" have nothing better to do than pick on the poor illegal immigrants. Ya know, because protecting Labor Unions, the minimum wage, equal pay for African(or other) Americans that maybe unable afford college, child labor laws, and border security are not legitimate issues. But racist Hispanic bashing. As is preventing labor surpluses or overpopulation. God forbid one points out the fact that the Mexican government, for example, has the means to take care of "It's People" but instead embezzles the money from nationalized oil. Among other corrupt activities. Nope! It's all on whitey!
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