The Pill (2011)
Unfortunately I can't take a pill to forget this movie.
8 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I should have gone with my gut instinct and avoided this movie but Netflix kept rubbing it in my face so here we are. I'm going to give you the short version and the long.

The short: it's really bad, don't watch it.

Now, for the long version: I'm going to break this up into categories because I'm a neat freak and that is what I do.

Characters: He's an arsehole. She's an arsehole. Everyone is an arsehole. The little brother might not be one, he didn't get enough screen time for my arseholery-ometer to give a reading. Oh, and Jim is alright. He's just hurt but I'd say he dodged a bullet! Mindy is presented as some crazy woman, whom you expect to change and with whom you might side in the end, but no, the very last frame and I still think she's unpleasant and rude (not to mention sexually and psychologically manipulative, and if truth be told a rapist but I'll get to that). Fred (terrible name for a character! A very non-name for a very non-person) is just too worried people might think he isn't the nice guy (which he in fact isn't). They're all bad.

Plot: Really? Like, really really? If someone started having sex with me whilst I was asleep I'd get the hell out of there and go to the police because that is rape! Sex without consent is rape! Also, ignoring the fact that he wanted to use a condom is unacceptable. This put me off the entire movie! Get it together writers!

Cinematography and staging: New York in the summer? Check. Nice but not too posh flats? Check. Montage of the couple laughing and touching? Always having a cab show up at the right time? Running in the middle of the street with complete disregard of personal safety? Check. Check. Check.

Really what I want to tell you all is: don't watch this movie. I watched it on Netflix during my free month trial so I didn't pay anything and I still want my money back. I refer you back to my short version: it's really bad, don't watch it.
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