A rare sequel that I thought was better then the original. I liked it much more than I expected to.
7 April 2015
"We gotta go back to the past to save the future." After their first dip Lou (Corddry), Nick (Robinson) and Jacob (Duke) are successful and are living the lives they want, for the most part. After someone takes revenge on Lou for something he did they group decides they have to go back in time to stop it from happening. When they end up in the future instead they are confused as to what is going on. Now the only way to stop the past is to fix the future. I know what you are thinking...wasn't that the plot to Back to the Future 2. I have one answer for that. Yes. That said though I liked this more than the first one. The original was just another Hangover type movie with no real plot. It was funny but that was it. This one had more of a plot, wasn't as funny but I liked this one more. I love time travel movies and this one didn't take itself too serious at all, which I liked. For a comedy to keep you guessing is a rare thing and this one pulled it off. This is nothing amazing and will not become a classic but it was entertaining and worth watching. Overall, a rare sequel that I thought was better then the original. I liked it much more than I expected to. I give it a B.
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