Gone Girl (2014)
Nothing connects
5 April 2015
Affleck plays Nick Dunne whose wife goes missing. When treasure hunt-like envelopes with 'clue x' written on it appear, the viewer knows the disappearing was staged. Oddly enough, the movie then continues as like the viewer doesn't know this. It makes no sense.

Gone Girl is Fincher's weakest effort to date. Nothing in the film connects to that which was intended to be displayed. The actors don't fit the characters, much like the synthetic dialog, and way too many scenes lack the proper build-up, feeling like they belonged in a completely different movie. Every character in the film comes across as a one-dimensional product of someone's limited imagination rather than an actual person. Yet the sloppy way the implausible, immature storyline is sold as credible, is surely the movie's biggest flaw. Our hearts go out to the family members of Suspension of Disbelief. May it rest in peace.

The scenario would perhaps fit a Coen brother's movie that doesn't take itself too seriously and where the absurdity can be put to use as a form of comedy. As it stands, the lacking source material just contrasts too much with Fincher's superior directional skills and cinematographic wizardry, not to mention Reznor's outstanding soundtrack. It's all just one gigantic mismatch.

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