Star Trek: Enterprise: Carpenter Street (2003)
Season 3, Episode 11
While fun to watch, ample evidence that the series had lost its way
4 April 2015
rubbery pipes on roof

While I liked some aspects of "Star Trek: Enterprise", as I re-watch all the Trek shows I notice that the plots on the show are really contrived--mostly, I assume, because they'd simply run low on ideas. After all, the original series ran three seasons, and "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Star Trek: Deep Space 9" and "Star Trek: Voyager" all ran seven seasons each! So, by now, originality and semi-plausibility were becoming difficult. So, when you see Archer and T'Pol go back to Detroit circa 2000, you know that they are running low on ideas.

When the show begins, the temporal agent tells Archer that he needs to go back to Earth in the early 21st century to stop some Xindi plot to destroy the planet. So the pair go back to stop the reptilian Xindi and their human scum helper develop a killer virus.

The show is exciting at times and it's a bit fun seeing them going out for fast food, but the show also makes you wonder just how much further the series will go after it's lost its way--and with weird shows like this one, it does seem like they lost their way.

By the way, if you do watch this one, watch carefully towards the end when Archer jumps and grabs some metal pipes. In a case of poor editing, you can actually see the stuntman hit RUBBER pipes as they bend in a ridiculous fashion and then are completely normal in the next cut! Kinds funny.
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