It was all True from my Personal Experience
1 April 2015
I have to say it was very emotional to watch and that everyone's testimonies of their experiences in the Org rang completely true. My son was whisked away in the middle of the night on his 18th birthday with promises of money, fame and a career and what ensued for him was more horrific than anything they mentioned in the documentary. It took a year for my son after "escaping" to even talk about what happened and he is still recovering and in therapy 4 years later. I tried in vane to get him out including working with a cult expert, the church cut off all contact with us and I could not even talk to him or contact him. FYI, my son has a genius IQ and he was living with his Dad (my ex) at the time,who became a devout member of the church after our divorce and complicit in the "brain washing" of my son. I am hoping this wonderful and truthful documentary will help others escape and/or never get involved with the Church of Scientology. My son tells me it ruined his life.
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