The Flash: Tricksters (2015)
Season 1, Episode 17
I Am Your Father
1 April 2015
"Tricksters" is an all around, fun, exciting, intense and emotional ride. With brilliant performances and such a light-hearted tone yet it advances the plot and gives us more insight on questions we want answered.

The episode kicks off right after the intriguing pre credits scene of the previous episode. As Barry and Detective West try to find out more about Harrison Wells, a trickster comes to town and causes havoc. It's very fitting to have such a villain especially in April Fool's day. Mark Hamill guest starring in the episode is one of the highlights because he just nails it. With his outstanding voice and acting, it's very hard not to think of the Joker when he acts. The Trickster is easily one of the best villain, or should I say villains the Flash has had and I hope they return like the Rogues normally do too. What I also liked about this episode is the in-your-face references made. From a Breaking Bad reference, to of course a Star Wars one, and even a Speed reference, all these add to the pure fun that this episode contains. Even though at it's light hearted tone, the episode still continues to intrigue us more particularly the use of flashbacks explaining the Reverse Flash and Eobard Thawne. There's also the ongoing trust issues between Barry and Harrison Wells and how he begins to doubt him and I thought it was perfectly executed. Thankfully, Iris didn't seem much of an nuisance in the episode that much. The slow motion scenes and visuals we're amazing. 17 episodes and the visuals remained intact and spectacular, kudos to the Flash effects staff. The climax was also well done, it was intense and introduced us to a little friend called the Speedforce.

Overall, a fun episode, brilliant performances, excellent- you get the rest. I'm hoping the next episode will be even better +The Tricksters, +Mark Hamill's performance, +So Many Awesome References, +Flashbacks, +Trust Issues with Harrison Wells, +Slow Motion Visuals, +Speedforce.

Verdict: 9.8/10
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