It's already happening
30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Not everyone's cup of tea, more a political psychological thriller, but plenty of action. Held sometime in the near future, with terrorism being continually a threat and illegal immigrants from the middle-east. A vaccine that contains a tracking device, causes deaths. Referred to as a mysterious disease, that can be contagious. But it is not, and the reason behind the disappearance of dead bodies becomes evident towards the end. It wasn't meant to be like that (so the establishment said)but never the less, Total Information is coming to a point, that people are being spied on 24/7, with GPS trackers implanted. Now this was attempted in the USA. Not like dog microchips that can only be picked up by hand held machines, these chips had a GPS tracking devise and Lord knows what?

The only thing I could not grasp completely was the role played by Carlyle, as Russell. He was a nasty bit of goods hired as a sleeper by one section of the PM office, and working outside the normal secret service. A unofficial government secret service operator, almost working against one another? Those who are against the ID idea and those wanting to make sure it was implemented for national security reasons.

To me I wouldn't be surprised this is already in the system, maybe not as deadly as this scheme, but Big Brother is watching us and one easy way is through the Internet and Spy Satellites. Even phone lines.

Was it my imagination but a view of the houses of parliament and Westminster seemed changed? Small point
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