I think they forgot to make it scary...
25 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"The Bates Haunting" is a stereotypical Direct-to-DVD feature that you would most likely see at your local RedBox and would probably ask yourself who would actually rent this before you pick up the latest new release.

While the story takes place at a real Halloween attraction called The Bates Motel & Haunted Hayride, you can't help but feel like this film is something that is riding a more popular and iconic horror film and comes off like something SyFy would have produced. Beside that, the film contains very bad and lackluster acting, the story is boring and predictable, the gore effects are about as convincing as a roadside haunted house attraction, it has no cohesive tone and absolutely no atmosphere, you have to deal with two stars of "Jackass" being shoe-horned into the film, it tries and fails to be funny way too many times, and the main character is very unlikable.

The film does have a solid performance from Zachary Fletcher but, even then, he eventually follows suit and ends up as bad as the rest of the cast. Overall, the film comes off like a cliché low budget horror film and is just completely forgettable in almost every single way.
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