very bad script
30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I like Billy Cristal and I discovered Gregory Hines in this movie, he is a great actor. I also usually love Buddy movies that's why I was terribly disappointed by this one. First of all, the plot starts really late, around 25 minutes of the film, when we learn that the body in the street was a cop's one. Before that, we just knew who will be the bad guy, not really how and why. So the first part, even with funny moments, is kind of plot less and a bit boring. Then, we are finally interested in the plot, the heroes scr*w it on the boat with two other undercover cops (who aim like sh*t)and then we lost another 10 minutes of the movie with a plot less 80's montage + scene about heroes forced holidays just to learn they decide to quit (maybe it was still original at this date) and to buy a bar (that will never be a real dilemma for them, we Spectator already know they won't really quit and it doesn't seem to be really important to them either). So, back to the action now, many script problems will occurs: - Bad guy or antagonistic forces are not enough dangerous or are well portrayed. we never really care about them, we never feel danger for the Buddy cops so we never really empathized. - Love story is totally cliché except the one with Hines that is funny. - Investigation and cocaine story is poor. - Action scenes are really poor and danger or dilemmas never really present so we're not really involved in the movie as the way they succeed in danger is not really rewarding most of the time (what was the rope scene at the end by the way???!!! Why did he climb just for that??!!) - Lot of strange things like fake snow or the way they throw bullets in the car, clearly aiming for the head, while smiling.

Of course, there are nice jokes here and there, the movie is full of good will and it is a real positive movie but it doesn't make a good movie. And I'm the first to be sorry for that as I enjoy watching Buddy movies. 5 out of 10 (but it could even deserve less than the average note).
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