The Bubble (1966)
Bad movie, great 3d
27 March 2015
The plot sounds interesting, like a Twilight Zone episode. However, the acting and script fail to deliver.

The special effects (aside from 3d) leave a lot to be desired. For example, in one scene, they use floating rubber masks... like cheap rubber masks you can buy at any Halloween store in October in the United States.

So, do not rent this movie for the plot.

Where this movie shines is in 3d. This is the type of movie where the plot and acting were incidental. It's entire theme is to show off 3d. You'll be treated to things like a guy raking thin air, with the garden rake filmed to be coming out at you.

You have two scenes of a bucket of dirt being lifted towards you, solely included because it looks somewhat cool in 3d.

The 3d effects are much better than most 3d movies of today. Things have depth and actually seem to come out of the screen.

However, let me reiterate once again, that is the only thing going for this movie.
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