If you liked the first, you will enjoy this too
26 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start this review to "Hanni & Nanni 2" by saying that I do not believe this was a weak sequel as the other reviewer states. I enjoyed the first film and I also liked the second (and third). This film here runs for pretty much exactly 90 minutes and is the longest of the trilogy. All the main characters are brought back, which includes once again performances by von Borsody, Elsner, Thalbach, Ferch and Kling. Also Barbara Schöneberger and Carolin Kebekus joined the cast. This movie came out two years after the first and it is slightly more grown up. In the first the Münster twins were basically only young girls and here they (and other characters) express interest in boys for the first time. And with these very young relationship struggles, also their parents get a bigger story than in the first film as they have to fight themselves for their marriage. Oh yes, and everybody is also looking for a princess, including a gang of kidnappers. Oh and there's jokes about bras. Unthinkable in movie 1.

Just like the first film, this one here includes lots of female-sung music and ends with a performance from LaFee. Not the greatest inclusion in my opinion sadly. If they wanted it to end this way, they should have picked some of the cast members to sing, which worked so brilliantly in movie 3. The director is Julia von Heinz this time and the script comes again from Jane Ainscough. She got help in adapting the Blyton works by Christoph Silber. He returned for the third and final movie. Ainscough did not. Occasionally I thought that Kebekus' character or the young girl with the glasses would be the princess, but not my best guess probably. Anyway, I won't spoiler more.

One of the weakest points was maybe that fencing boy fighting with his rapier against some of the girls and they weren't wearing any protective clothes at all. Really irresponsible. Despite, the pair of villains, this is never really a scary film. They went easy on these guys by giving them completely absurd story lines according to which they only got bad because they weren't allowed into the band "Tokio Hotel". Anyway, even if none of the final developments come surprising, this is still a pretty nice watch and Thalbach French teacher comes up with some great comedic moments again as well, especially in her interactions with von Borsody's character. Recommended.
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