Review of Critical

Critical (2015)
Really, really bad and unrealistic show that should have never happened.
25 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The overall story isn't that bad. Well, it's not good either, but I've seen worse. But I don't recall ever having seen a show THAT unrealistic, without it having been on purpose. "Follow the drama at a state-of-the- art Major Trauma Centre", they proclaim. Well, state-of-the-art Major Trauma Centre, with incompetent doctors. "Doctors" who apparently have no medical training what so ever. Shaky hands, bad stress handling, mid-surgery discussions, staff nearly puking, the list goes on. The doctors and nurses just generally seem like they have no idea what they're doing. Like every day is their very first day on the job. Or just their very first meeting with the health care industry in general.

At first I thought that it must be a post-apocalyptic scenario where none of the "doctors" had medical training, but were forced to a "learning by doing"-approach to safe mankind. Like maybe they were a mere 20 people left on earth, and therefore had no other choice than to try to save their dying race, despite their lack of medical training and bad motor skills. That would have been a much better show.

This show cannot be taken seriously. It's just THAT bad. What were they thinking, when they made this? Have they ever been at a hospital, even? Or met a doctor?

No real doctors would ever act like that! Any normal functioning person will see right through this. I really don't understand why nobody has stopped this show before it happened.
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