Zombeavers (2014)
Oh My God! the cheesiest horror mover ever!! So much fun to watch!!!
21 March 2015

It was the weirdest guilty pleasure I've ever seen. It's the type of thing that you tell everyone you hate but you secretly liked.

A can of toxic waste falls off a truck, into a lake and onto a Beaver dam where the animals get infected.

At the same time a group of horny people under the age of 24, go into the woods to have sex. (just noting, nothing ever good happens to people under the age of 24 who go into the woods to have sex).

You get the idea from here where the story is going. What was laid out is not going to revolutionize the horror or zombie genre, but you got to admit the idea of Zombeavers is cleaver enough to get us to take a look.

But all you'll get from watching this movie is pure laughter, so I hope that's what the filmmakers are going for, because that's what this film is worth, a few really good laughs at how ridiculous the movie is.

In fact, the only possibly fright factor in the movie is the cheap and campy Beaver puppets which did look like, as the movie pointed out big fat rodents, and if you don't like rats, it does make your skin crawl when these things start to pop out of nowhere.

It's campy as hell but it's worth seeing for some giggles.
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