Genuinely creepy, Documentary style, X-Files-like Sci Fi / Horror film... Blu-ray: Decent V:8 A:8
20 March 2015
I'm not really a big fan of Documentary style films, unless of course they are done well and the subject is interesting. Another similarly themed film that I liked was 'LAKE MUNGO' (2008). That one leaned a bit more toward the Paranormal, so it was more spooky. Whereas this one is more of a Sci Fi / Horror film, and has more of a Thriller / Suspense feel to it. I am most definitely NOT a fan of Found Footage films, but this one doesn't quite fall into that category (regardless of what some other clueless numbnuts have said here...) This is a DOCUMENTARY style film, not a Found Footage film...

As a Documentary style film covering the activities of an investigative team who are looking into the disappearance of a boy at a ranch, it is fairly decent for the most part. I personally feel that what REALLY makes the film is most definitely the soundtrack; that is by FAR the strongest element of the movie. Very nice use of ambient sound, nighttime sounds, crickets, etc. There always seems to be some kind of ambient sound in the background which adds a great deal to the atmosphere; very similar to how David Lynch does in some of his films, particularly 'ERASERHEAD'.

Also, what I like about this film as opposed to others that are similar, is the way the cameras are place around the ranch and the way those shots are nicely worked into the videographer's footage. So, you almost have the feeling of traditional establishment shots around the ranch, which especially at night, are quite effective. So, in other words, you don't have to suffer through shaky, hand-held camera shots throughout the ENTIRE film. The net effect is a bit more cohesive than usual for this type of movie.

However... with that said... Unfortunately, what really detracts from the film is the acting. It is not ALWAYS bad; for the most part it is tolerable, considering the Documentary style. BUT... there are a few REALLY atrocious moments, particularly when people are getting upset (isn't that ALWAYS so hard to do...?) where the 'acting', such as it is, is pretty painful and amateurish, to say the least. IF the director(s) had been either a little more talented or experienced, they NEVER would have used the shots that they did in these scenes. They would have definitely gone back and used different takes. But... still... IF you can overlook those few moments, you are left with a pretty suspenseful and tense film that does indeed keep your interest all the way through.

Now, one thing I really must add though... without giving anything important away, there ARE some rather imaginative elements that come into the film that may have SOME people rolling their eyes in disbelief. Thus the many blatantly negative Review Summaries here (such as 'Utter, utter, utter, utter, utter crap', etc... :) HOWEVER... IF you are the kind of person who likes a little 'Otherworldliness' in their films, and if you enjoy a nice X-Files-like vibe, then you should find this movie fairly entertaining.

I REALLY wanted to give this film a '7', grading it on sort of a curve because it honestly is made quite well compared to a lot of other similar films, but the awful acting in a few places kind of brought it down to a strong '6'...

But, there ARE indeed still plenty of good scares and some genuinely creepy moments to be enjoyed here...
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