Cute nuns with guns
19 March 2015
Violet (Alexis Bledel) and Daisy (Saoirse Ronan) are a pair of gum chewing teenage hit women dressed as nuns who casually kill bad guys in New York. They take on a new hit to snuff out a mystery man (James Gandolfini) who crossed some villains and seems rather serene to his fate.

This encounter to a man who casually awaits his death gives both young women a period of reflection. They are both overgrown girls and also emotionally retarded. They ride to hits on tricycles, jump on beds excitedly to the pop sounds of the latest teen idol and are deadly with a gun. The film does not progress much more than that and gives little depth to their characters and motivations. Rather disappointing as the writer/director wrote the Oscar winning screenplay to Precious.

The film is a sub Quentin Tarantino rip off and an out of date one by 15 years. We see scenes of hits replayed from various angles and slow motion. We see people acting wacky giving us wisecracks and talking cute but it never amounts to much. Its just a boring and bad film instead of being hip and cool.

Its a shame as James Gandolfini and Marianne Jean-Baptiste do their best to lift this botched film.
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