The raunchier reboot of Annie Hall you've all been waiting for.
18 March 2015
Despite this film's pretty horrid reviews, I was looking forward to seeing it because my brother said it's humor we'd get. He was so right. It's pretty stupid, but it relates to me in every way. It's dumb, but it kind of knows it is and is just having fun, and boy it is.

The story is just kind of a corny romantic comedy, except it's real life, (queue Amy Poheler and Paul Rudd staring at the camera). It's a romantic comedy like no other, there are a few clichés, but it's overall pretty unique. The humor ranges to pretty typical SNL cast members talking about stinky poos and how awesome sex is. It definitely plays into the immature kid we have inside of us, but it works.

With that said, it's pretty much Annie Hall staring Paul Rudd and Amy Poheler. 1. Fourth wall breaks, (check) 2. Love interest is a clutz and leading man is a hopeless romantic, (check) 3. It's all about them breaking up and getting back together over and over again, (check).

The terrible writing should bother me, but it didn't, because Paul Rudd and Amy Poheler are perfect for each other...in this movie. They make every scene work because they work so well with each other. It's hard to resist that fussy face that Paul Rudd makes at Poheler.

The jokes are a little forced, heavy handed and immature, but Paul and Amy make the absolute best out of it. They crack me up in every scene they're in. If you don't like them, then I can completely understand why you wouldn't like this movie. It was just my style of humor, so I had a blast watching it. If you're tired of corny romantic comedies trying to be touchy feely all around, then watch this, because this film basically takes a big fat stinky poo all over the genre.
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