ER: Thy Will Be Done (2001)
Season 7, Episode 13
Thy Will Be Done (#7.13)
18 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I think Mark needs some time off. It kind of doesn't even make sense that Carter took off a while after a drug addiction treatment and Mark went back to work almost right after his skull was opened!.

Luka is usually not my favorite, but I like him in many scenarios as well. Like the one he was in this episode. Sure, I am not sure one should always listen to a teenager who says he wants to die, but at least give hiss wish some respect. Also his interactions with the bishop were pretty well done.

I also liked Carter and Abby at the charity. Now, I like Abby was less than anyone else on the show but she seems to always be great when her ex husband shows up, then she is actually a fun character.
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