He must know something but he don't say nothing
16 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Coming back home to Britan from the USA on a one year business trip Mike Nelson played by Sidney-Son of Charlie-Chaplin brought in under customs inspectors noses $200,000.00 he knocked off from a US bank that he stiffed his partner in crime Corey, Patrick Allen, out off. Unknown to Nelson Corey has followed him back home to get his share of the loot and is more then willing to kill to get it! Agreeing to meet Corey to talk over business Nelson instead of being honest and shearing the couples ill gotten gains with Corey tried to murder him that results into a violent alley fight with Nelson getting the worst of it. That's when Nelson's friend and sister Louise's, Audrey Dalton,fiancé Alan Pool, Peter Hammond, shows up unexpectedly and, as Nelson is getting his brains beat out, shoots Corey in the back killing him.

Coming up with a cock & bull cover story about Corey's death Nelson con-cocks this scenario that the two, he and Pool, were out drinking at the time that Corey was shot only to have Pool, feeling guilty in killing a human being, go to confession. It's there as the guilt ridden Pool spills his guts out to the priest Father Neil, John Welsh, that he shot and killed Corey and that Nelson, the man who together with Corey ripped off $200,000.00, was at the scene of the crime. Unknow to either Pool or Father Neil Nelson followed Pool into the church and before he could spill all the beans about Corey's death he himself is blasted from behind by Nelson with the gun that Pool shot Corey with! Now we all know who killed Corey- Alan Pool- and why: to protect and save Nelson's a**. But the big question is does Father Neil, whom Pool's confession to him was cut short, know who did it and will he tell the police about it!

***SPOILERS*** Not wanting to break the rules of the Catholic Church on revealing a personal confession Father Neil is caught between a rock and a hard place in putting his life on the line by not revealing what he knows with the by now crazed and paranoid Nelson gunning for him. Setting a trap for Nelson Scothland Yard Inspector Kessler, John Bentley, has him think that Father Neil who had no way to identify Nelson as Pool's murder, he only saw him from the back running out of the church, is about to finger him to the police thus bring him out into the open! And thus, by attempting to murder Father Neil, prove his guilt! Not at all thinking straight Neslon fall for the trap that Inspector Kessler set for him and when out of bullets, after he emptied his gun missing Father Neil, Nelson makes a run for it in the church's bell tower where the "Sounds of Music" or "Bells are Ringing" scrambled his brains and caused him, when Nelson just couldn't take it anymore, to fall to his death!
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