Review of Spend

The Walking Dead: Spend (2015)
Season 5, Episode 14
17 March 2015
Bad. What is this 3 main characters killed in the last 6 episodes? I know Noah hadn't been on for that long but at least he had potential. This formula is tired now - if a character is paid more attention than usual from anymore to 1 to 3 episodes they're gonna get killed. Beth as a stand alone would have been OK for shock value. But Tyrese was the pointless waste of a good character and then to knock of Noah in quick succession? Also the fact that his death was overly gruesome makes me think the writers are running out of ideas - a generic zombie flick over-the top gruesome death. They could have let Noah live and let the episode be semi-light-hearted based on the playing of 'Internet Friends' in the car but instead they relied on shock tactics to carry them through the episode. Boring. They could have let them all live including rat-face which would have only added to the tension already brewing back at Alexandria. I also thought the duo of Noah and Glenn was pretty good. Is this what is to be expected now? A main character dies every few episodes? It had more value and meaning when it happened less often. Hershel was heart-breaking because they allowed him so long to develop and his death wasn't part of a tired formula. Sigh.
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