Review of Spend

The Walking Dead: Spend (2015)
Season 5, Episode 14
The Mystery of Alexandria
17 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
That was much more like it. The death scenes seem to have gone up a level here. Much more gruesome. Which, if you are into that, enjoy. The general pace of this episode was much quicker, basing around a typical run, to fetch supplies, which ends in the loss of a newly found character.

This whole scene I think, was stand out, however I think everything we see and experience had a cast of doubt over it, due to the Mysteries that are held in Alexandria. As for the plot, it is keeping it's cards close to it's chest still. Another cagey episode, keeping everything about Alexandria remained hidden, if there is anything at all....

An important part to this episode is the Priest. He warns the community of the group, implying they are the devil in disguise.....hmmmmmmmm.....backstabber

My favorite thing about this series currently is the tension being built up in Alexandria.. It feels as though we are leading up to something. The camera-work, music (especially) and setting, allow you to have suspicions yourself throughout abut Alexandria, who to trust, who not to trust. In other words, it's typical walking dead.

Great episode.
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