Why am I the only one that found this movie horrible?
16 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This franchise seems to get worse and worse with each film. What was "The Void" about? In the past all the other Saints and Soldiers seemed to have a Christian based theme, this was just... Random. The actors I thought were interesting, the scripts and the acting had, lets say, A LOT OF ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Barely made it through the movie, hoping some redeeming factor could be found, but just like the whole movie, it continued to disappoint, in every regard. I expect more from Ryan Little and Producer Adam Abel, but everyone has a bad day right...or in this case a bad movie.

To clarify, this movie does have some wholesome values, not to give any spoilers away, but an important theme is touched upon, but not enough to qualify it like the first Saints and Soldiers installment did. Would love to see Jasen Wade back... if another one is up and coming.
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