Riffing is morbid and insensitive...
15 March 2015
Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love MST3K in general, but this episode goes way too far in its riffing on death, mental illness, and 'special people' (Mickey, the caretaker, here). Yes, I'm sounding like a P.C. advocate which I'm not, by the way, but there are some subjects that are painful or even traumatic to some. This episode should have come with an 'honest disclaimer' (not a humorous one, like "South Park" does) stating that 'some material may be considered offensive and insensitive to some viewers', or something to the effect. There can be a fine line between humor and tragedy, and it was crossed in this episode.

The mentally disturbed woman and handicapped man in the episode are targets of Mike and the 'bots 'humorous' comments, and it really comes across as abusive and mocking rather than funny, at times. Of course, some riffing is on target, as usual, such as those aimed at the suspect husband and the clergyman.

Alex Nicol, as Mickey, is nothing short of remarkable in the role of the mentally-challenged gardener/caretaker. It is a sensitive and realistic portrayal, yet he is riffed unmercifully, nonetheless. This is where the motivation to compose this review first emerged. Having mental illness run in my family and being personally-afflicted with bipolar disorder, a misunderstood and disabling mood disorder, made it necessary. Poking fun at such things just contributes to the ignorance that already persists. A 'shame on you, Best Brains', for picking this film as the subject of your 'humor'. For once, I'm not laughing (as much).
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