Bravo to All Who Contributed to this Documentary!
14 March 2015
It's about time the truth of what goes on in Scientology behind closed doors is revealed in a mass media format. This documentary has opened up the flood gates, so all of the world can hear first- hand from ex-members what this cult is REALLY all about. Believe everything you hear and see. The abuse is completely accurate. Sea Org members (staff) are slaves and at the whim of their sadistic masters...anything goes. I know this first-hand; I was one of their slaves. This documentary is a must see!

This movie lays out and proves through engaging interviews with disaffected members that Scientology is like any powerful organized "religion." It's run by a few "untouchables" who hold the reins to all the power. Those few who are not held accountable for their actions, believe the human code of ethics does not apply to them. Their reasoning is the end justifies the means. To keep control, dehumanizing tactics are necessary to control the rank and file. The film plays an important role in documenting the eyewitness testimony of the many inhumane abuses that occur in this organization. Cloaked in secrecy and hidden from the light of scrutiny, the executives of this cult do as they please. The physical, mental, and emotional abuse is like a POW camp. I just finished reading the book "Unbroken" and the stories I heard in this documentary remind me of what happened to Louis Zamperini when he was under the control of "The Bird." My hope is that this film opens up a dialogue for a call to action to help those who have been at the mercy of the "few."
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