The Deadly Tower (1975 TV Movie)
Good dramatization of a sad day
10 March 2015
I saw this about a year ago, and I was too busy to make a review, but this was a very well done movie. It's an example of Kurt Russell's tremendous acting.

I personally didn't think the writers did the best job developing the characters, more than asserting they were cops and every day working people. I don't recall the movie stating even an opinion of why Charles Whitman took to the tower that fateful day and ended so many lives. He was in the Marines, and some might think he suffered from PTSD, but out of all the articles I've read about the case, that was almost never mentioned. Aside from Charles Whitman, none of the characters stood out. And Whitman seemed like a zombie, so besides shooting people, there wasn't much character development there, either.

The acting was awesome. Kurt Russell's always a reason to watch a movie for me.

From what I read about this real-life case, the movie tends to stay pretty close to the truth, which is an oddity for Hollywood films; though, this was made-for-TV.

I recommend this. I gave this a 7-star rating.
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