Essential Viewing For All Children
9 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much rubbish on children's television these days, much of it populated by good-looking American children. So to be able to stimulate one's children's minds a brilliant story from the 70s, fortunately still intact and available on DVD is a blessing.

My own children thought that having to watch an 'old' programme was a terrible idea and would far rather have spent another few hours on their mind-numbing tablets, however I did manage to convince them to watch the first episode, and then if they didn't want to continue, they didn't have to.

Well, they were transfixed and ended up thoroughly enjoying the story, the seven episodes divided up into three chunks.

In my opinion, the great thing about the story apart from the notions of a mad high priest, normal people being turned into brain-dead zombies, people being turned to stone, and a narrow escape for the protagonists, is the idea of circular time, similar ideas having been exercised in Dr Who and Back To The Future to name but a few.

It could and probably will, all happen again. And if you get the opportunity to visit Avebury (the location for the fictional Milbury) then pick a bright sunny day and do so. It took me right back....
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