Review of Hunger

Hunger (2008)
quietly brutal
8 March 2015
It's 1981. Raymond Lohan (Stuart Graham) is a guard in the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland. Davey Gillen is a new IRA prisoner who refuses to wear prison uniforms. He's put in with Gerry who has smeared the cell with his own feces. They smuggle things in and out of the prison. Bobby Sands (Michael Fassbender) leads the prisoners in a hunger strike.

It's quiet film and full of little details. It doesn't wallow in the brutality but lets it envelop the movie. There is a realism in the movie that is more powerful than any flash or action sequence. One really gets the sense of dehumanization. Dialog is sparse but there is a great discussion between Sands and Father Dominic Moran. This is quietly brutal and some great performances including Fassbender.
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