Dark Mountain (2013)
Sloppy, incoherent, poorly written.
3 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So, to start off, I'd like to say that if I could rate this film lower than one, I would. While the style of editing was interesting, and the scenery was beautiful, it was not enough to redeem this abysmal mess of a film.

The plot was loose, vague and vaguely incoherent. As I watched, I found myself uncertain of what was going on and why anything was happening. It felt like a bunch of found footage tropes were thrown into a film and given no real reasoning or explanation.

There were plot holes everywhere, such as the "dutch hunters" and the man following the people. The mysterious "possession" of the character, with no reasonable cause behind it.

Was the entity a ghost? A demon? There was absolutely no building on this plot or superstitions and it was complete tripe. Not to mention the unneeded shot of a penis, the excessive filters during the phone camera scenes, and poor special effects of blood.

It was not scary, and relied on jump scares for most of the "scary" parts. Absolutely abysmal, haphazard and with a barely coherent plot.
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