Star Trek: Voyager: Barge of the Dead (1999)
Season 6, Episode 3
To Hell and back...
28 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The summary isn't exactly right about this episode. It has a rather lengthy period on Voyager first where all the Federation members start going Klingon-crazy after they find a Klingon artifact in space. However, later you learn that it's all a hallucination! What follows is also likely a hallucination...or is it?! Suddenly Torres finds herself on a barge bound for Klingon hell!! However, after a while, she is brought out of this when she is revived by the Doctor--but just as this is happening, she sees her mom drop onto the barge as well. Does this mean mommy is also dead? To find out and if she can help, Torres asks the Doc to kill her...and then bring her back after she's had a chance of a family reunion.

This is all very mystical and stupid. But what bothered me more is that it was so inconsistent. Mr. Chakotay is practically the poster child for wacky spirituality with his spirit guides, talking with dead grandpa and the like. And when Torres tries to talk to her about this, he mostly blows her off and pretty much says there's no afterlife! Huh?! Why didn't Robert Beltran at least say "This ain't consistent"...because it wasn't. So what we have is a silly episode that doesn't make a lot of sense. Not one of the shining moments in Trek history.
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