Review of Blue Dream

Blue Dream (II) (2014)
UK Film Review - Blue Dream
27 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Capturing the cruel beauty of coping with cancer, this short film from Gergö Elekes, tells the story of a dedicated swimmer who has to undergo chemotherapy to treat her condition. With the tagline "Keep going. Even it if hurts", the film's message is blatant and poignant, yet the overall effect is immersive.

Surrounded with a delicate score (also by Elekes) and light fading between shots, the tone of Blue Dream matches the heartbreaking nature of the story. Viewers will find themselves instantly engrossed in this short film, even if it is only a quick dip (the film has a run time of just over 4 minutes).

Imagery is used with power and pathos, displaying this young woman's life. The character is played, with poise and grace by Kinga Galambos, through a quick series of shots showing her life in equal measure - coping with her recovery and trying to maintain who she is. One particularly startling shot is of a calendar on the wall, where each day of a whole week has only one word etched in with pencil - "CHEMO".

The speed of the editing and the jumbled concoction of cinematography will give some viewers the bends, but this only enhances Elekes' short film and the power of its message. The struggle that this swimmer endures must feel like a dizzying array of uncertainty, pain, and hope, which is reinforced by the over voice of the swimmer by Kriszta Vörösházi. The script is a little bleak, even for a film of this genre, but adds depth to the drama.

Films depicting cancer struggles are immediately emotive, many audiences will connect with them simply because of the sensitivity of the issue. However, Eleker's film opts for a different journey. This short film on how the recovery can feel is unique, especially when seen through the juxtaposition of pills and pool. Powerful, bold filmmaking.
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