Soft Pornathon with rubbish acting and a plot too dull to care about
28 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The year is 475 AD, the current Western Emperor of Rome is Julius Nepos and in the northern region of this vast empire we meet Maximus Antonius Albanis, he is married to scheming opportunist and widow - Urbina Prima. Her son has a sort of claim to the Empire but has been schooled in the ways of self interest, the use of expletives, bad acting and over dubbing and as such is not fit to rule (or act).

Then we have some war lord getting attacked in some forest and he then gets double crossed in a bid to sway another war lord. All the time Urbina Prima is wandering around half dressed trying to bed anything and undermine everyone till she gets her hands on the levers of power like some obsessive disorder nympho with an allergy to the truth - and clothes, unless they are transparent.

I think that covers the plot. Right the good points are that the uniforms and props are all quite good, there is some correct historical references and the make up is on the money for the most part. Also to be completely fair there is some good to OK acting hence the 2 stars, with most of the main roles being filled by competent players.

Now to the bad bits; this is supposed to be about a lost legion, well I think they went AWOL before filming as there is not one here to actually lose. We do have some legionaries but don't let them near a mic as they couldn't act their way out of a paper bag or the Roman equivalent of a flimsy carrying vessel. The action scenes are filmed on such a small set that I am amazed the cameraman wasn't injured. They also use that slowed down then speeded up, CGI blood splatter filming. This can work in epic productions, but I have seen more rough and tumble down my local pub or even ASDA (Walmart) on Black Friday.

The plot is all Machiavellian, but we sort of don't care. The would be spoilt brat Emperor is lamentable in his script and acting. Then we have the constant nudity - especially of the women who drop their clothes at a drop of a hat or helmet or anything to be honest. Mind you the actors should get a medal for not laughing at some of the ropey dialogue. I do have to congratulate Brian Caspe as Maximus whose imaginative insults of maternal transgressions and choice of fecal based food options were truly the most fun part of the whole thing.

In summation, the cover art is from another film, yet to be made, the lost legion thing is just plucked from god knows where and the whole thing was about as compelling as an anthrax sandwich - I have seen better fridge art - just avoid completely.. IMDb says they are thinking of a sequel, I mean has no one learnt from 'Coming Home in a body bag 3' - Jeez
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