D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)
What it is like to be "different"
25 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is more than an exploration of a kid with a robot "brain", there's a subtle message here of what it's like being a kid when you're a little different than everyone else.

People treat you oddly, sometimes even fearfully, inquisitively, or with rude insensitivity …so you learn to fit in by acting like everyone else (even though deep down your just like everyone else).

This movie's message is about acceptance of our wunderkinds, our Asperger kids, our Autistic savants and anyone who sees the world a bit differently; underneath it all a kid is still a kid.

As a somewhat inquisitive bookworm when I was young, I could relate with Daryl, as dealing with other kids was always a little awkward; still I wanted the love, friendship & commeratory just like everyone else.

Not a perfect film, but a decent one with high ideals & a nice happy ending.
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