Review of Drone

Star Trek: Voyager: Drone (1998)
Season 5, Episode 2
Excellent...and a bit sad
24 February 2015
When the episode begins, the Doc and Seven both beam back aboard the ship. However, something strange happens--the Doctor's mobile emitter is somehow combined with some of Seven's Borg drones! As a result, this new creation makes a baby that develops incredibly fast. An adult in almost no time, Seven is asked to work with this being--to teach it what it's like to be an individual. The new Borg is eager...but apparently benign. But when a Borg ship approaches and is going to assimilate the crew, just how benign he is will be tested to the limits!

Overall, this is an exceptionally good episode. It gives complexity and depth to Seven's character as well as the Borg 'baby'. Plus, for the first time, she indicates that she does NOT want to rejoin the Borg and is happy staying a member of Voyager. Well worth seeing and very creative...and a bit sad. Why sad? See this one and find out for yourself.
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