Fun Biker flick with Namath and Ann-Margret
21 February 2015
Released in 1970, "C.C. & Company" is a low-budget biker flick starring none other than Joe Namath as C.C. Ryder, a quasi-member of The Heads motorcycle gang. When C.C. hooks up with a pretty fashion designer, played by Ann Margret, it causes friction with the other gang members, particularly Moon, played by William Smith. It all comes down to C.C. and Moon squaring off in a bike race at a high school football field track.

This is a fun biker flick and not as dead serious as 1966's "The Wild Angels" – the first and best biker flick – or 1969's popular "Easy Rider," which was just as good in its own way. "C.C. & Company" also seems to have a lower budget. For instance, there's some noticeably bad acting by Smith and Teda Bracci, the latter who plays biker chick Pig, but – then again – maybe they were intentionally shooting for camp (ya think!). The obvious draw here is Namath's larger-than-life charisma and cutie Margret; it's inexplicable that Namath didn't develop a lasting acting career (maybe that infamous pantyhose commercial did him in, lol). The rockin' late 60's soundtrack is also a treat. The whole cast obviously had fun making the film and it comes off on the screen.

Besides Margret, the movie features a couple other standout women, like Jennifer Billingsley as Pom Pom and Jacquie Rohr as Zit Zit. Billingsley is rather tall with model-like beauty, albeit hidden behind her wild biker chick garb, while Rohr is petite and curvy. The latter could've easily stolen the show if she had more screen time.

While worthwhile just for the two stars and amusing as light biker fare, "C.C. & Company" is unable to overcome its limitations, which explains my mediocre rating. Nevertheless, if you appreciate the biker genre that ran from 1966-1974 "C.C. & Company" is mandatory viewing, sort of.

The film runs 83 minutes and was shot in Tucson, Arizona, and Las Vegas.

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