Yet another over-hyped reality show hits our screens.
13 February 2015
The overseas version of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here has been a success in the U.S., U.K., Germany and South Africa to name a few, so it was inevitable that there would be an Australian version of this show. And in 2015, this became a reality. This is yet another show that originated overseas that has hit Australian TV screens (i.e. Australian Idol, Big Brother, The X Factor and Dancing with the Stars to name a few shows).

After Channel 10 bombarded viewers with countless ads for I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, I was already getting sick to death of the hype. Sure enough upon watching the show, I thought this is the most overrated and over-hyped show that I don't care for in the slightest.

All you need to know is that C-list celebrities or celebrities way past their prime try to regain the spotlight by putting their reputations on the line by lowering their standards and even demeaning themselves to be stuck in the middle of nowhere and participate in games and at the same time make complete and utter fools of themselves. The show sounds like another version of another overrated show Survivor. Does this sound like appealing viewing? For me, no it does not. It seems like the type of show that will rot your intelligence. If this type of show appeals to you go for it. Already the show has gained a fan base.

The show is terrible, but the constant ads for this show is enough to drive you up the wall. We don't need constant reminders on what is going to be on tonight's show with the assortment of drama queens and celebrities sacrificing what's left of the pride to make idiots of themselves on national television. It's not like their careers are going to be resurrected with this show.

The sooner this show is off the air, the better.

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