The Jerry Springer Show (1991–2018)
The novelty wears very thin after a while.
11 February 2015
Once upon a time, The Jerry Springer show was actually very entertaining. It was very amusing and hilarious seeing losers, trailer trash, dropkicks, midgets, and generally very unlikeable people make complete fools of themselves on national television. Despite the show being in bad test, it was pure entertainment. The main theme of the show was often outrageous and politically incorrect, and it was entertaining seeing couples, lovers, and dysfunctional families fight each other on stage and security led by the bulky, bald headed Steve would get the guests under control.

Year later, after becoming a little older and wiser I checked out Jerry Springer after not having seen the show in a long time and I was dismayed that the show had not changed in the slightest although the quality of the show had gone downhill. The novelty had worn very thin over the years. The show I once found amusing was no longer funny and entertaining. Instead, I was repulsed by the show. How times change.

If The Jerry Springer Show is still classed as entertainment after all these years, then this is a sorry state of affairs. The show might get guests their 15 minutes of fame, but it doesn't improve their lives at all but rather make utter fools of themselves on national TV. Anyone who participates in the live audience should hang their heads in shame. Perhaps it may be time for Jerry Springer to call it a day.

Till next time, take care of yourselves and each other.

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