But what about the science and economics of climate?
5 February 2015
Merchants of Doubt is a prejudiced and relentlessly one-sided attempt to divert attention away from the failure of global temperatures to respond as the models had so confidently but so misguidedly predicted.

So far, any honest and independent inquirer would conclude that the unfolding evidence of global warming at half the central rate predicted with "substantial" (but misplaced) "confidence" in IPCC (1990) has cast more than a little legitimate doubt on the "settled" science.

However, this and other inconvenient truths - no global warming at all for up to 18 years 3 months (RSS satellite dataset); no increase in hurricane frequency or strength (Accumulated Cyclone Energy Index), or in flooding (IPCC, 2013), or in droughts (Hao et al., 2014); greening of the Sahara (Nicholson, 1981); global sea-ice extent recently at a satellite-era maximum (University of Illinois Cryosphere Today project, December 2014) - are entirely overlooked in the movie, which also ignores the well-established fact that the sceptical side of the debate receives 1/5000 of the lavish funding poured by governments and "green" profiteers of doom into promoting Thermageddon.

The movie will please climate Communists, but it is a fine illustration of the depths of despair into which the true-believers in the Thermageddon cult have been reduced as the "science" behind the scare visibly collapses before them. The movie is predicated on the assumption that there is a "97% consensus" that recent global warming was mostly man-made. The peer-reviewed result demonstrating that the "consensus" on this issue is actually 0.5% is conveniently ignored, along with all the other facts which - however much the Marxstream media may deny them or decline to report them - will slowly, inexorably consign the climate scare to the rubbish-heap to which all mere superstitions are ultimately, ineluctably consigned.

Don't bother to watch it.
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